Type-H Body (Head not included) B Set Normal Skin ver. (Whitey) [APYW000024] - HK$2,958 : FaithZ - A Hobby store for Toys , Nendoroid , BJD , Angel Philia and Collectibles - International shipping and Layaway available
Type-H Body (Head not included) B Set Normal Skin ver. (Whitey) [APYW000024] - HK$2,958 : FaithZ - A Hobby store for Toys , Nendoroid , BJD , Angel Philia and Collectibles - International shipping and Layaway available,ANGEL PHILIA MONA 02 Soft Skin (スーパーホワイティ) - angelphiliaangelphilia,外皮ボディパーツ【上胴 Type-C1】ホワイティ Soft Skinタイプ (彩色済) - angelphiliaangelphilia,Real art Project /AngelPhilia w/Type-Hボディ・SoftSkin S-23-09-20-280-KD-ZS - ドーリーテリア,Head parts Type-O【褐色/無彩色】 - angelphiliaangelphilia