Optical Singly-Ionized Iron Emission in Radio-Quiet and Relativistically Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei
Optical Singly-Ionized Iron Emission in Radio-Quiet and Relativistically Jetted Active Galactic Nuclei,Early Paleozoic metamorphic P–T–t evolution of the northern Cathaysia Block (SE China): Implications for thermal history and geodynamic setting - ScienceDirect,Dual-mineralization in the intracontinental Jiangnan Orogen, South China: Evidence from textures and in-situ trace elements and oxygen analysis of quartz from the Woxi Au-Sb-W deposit - ScienceDirect,Lithospheric resistivity structure of the Xuefeng Orogenic Belt and its implications for intracontinental deformation in South China - ScienceDirect,Fabrication and target applications of hydrophilic-hydrophobic composite wettability surfaces based on surface wettability gradient and Laplace pressure gradient regulation - ScienceDirect