Akari A,Isamu Noguchi Akari Light Sculpture, Model BB3/55D Globe Floor Lamp — FORM Atelier,110: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculpture, model 27N < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,146: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculpture, model 5A < Taking Shape: The Akari Light Sculptures of Isamu Noguchi, 30 March 2023 < Auctions | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design,107: ISAMU NOGUCHI, Akari light sculpture, model 20N < Design, 30 April 2024 < Auctions | Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA)