A novel upconversion optical thermometers derived from non-thermal coupling levels of CaZnOS:Tm/Yb phosphors - ScienceDirect
A novel upconversion optical thermometers derived from non-thermal coupling levels of CaZnOS:Tm/Yb phosphors - ScienceDirect,Search in the large stock of: MERCEDES-BENZ, Automatic. - Kleyn Trucks,Search in the large stock of: MERCEDES-BENZ, Automatic, Euro 6, 8x4. - Kleyn Trucks,NaSr2Nb5O15:Yb3+, Ho3+, Tm3+ transparent glass ceramics: Up‐conversion optical thermometry and energy storage property - Xing - 2023 - Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Wiley Online Library,NaSr2Nb5O15:Yb3+, Ho3+, Tm3+ transparent glass ceramics: Up‐conversion optical thermometry and energy storage property - Xing - 2023 - Journal of the American Ceramic Society - Wiley Online Library